Mexico: November 7th. The 43 students from Ayotzinapa were allegedly cremated and their remains thrown into the river Cocula, according to information provided by the Attorney General, Jesús Murillo Karam. The remains found in the Cocula dump and the river will be sent to a university in Austria in a process that will be long, due to «the high degree of calcination it will be difficult to extract DNA for identification,» officials said.
They reported that according to the statements of three new detainees, including Patricia Reyes, El Pato and Agustin Garcia Reyes, identified as part of the cartel Guerreros Unidos, experts charred skeletal remains located in Cocula dump and bags of ashes in a river. Agustin Garcia revealed a group of over 40 people was taken to the dump of Cocula.
Around 15 people taken by members of Guerreros Unidos died of suffocation; all were taken to the dump area Cocula aboard a truck owned by Gilbardo Lopez Astudillo, the prosecutor said.
New detainees indicated that those who were still alive were killed (several were already dead), then all burned with gasoline, diesel and other substances, which began at 12 pm and lasted until three the next afternoon.
Detainees said that once students were cremated, a member of Guerreros Unidos ordered that the remains be ground up and then thrown into the river Cocula. (…)
«There is no evidence that students Ayotzinapa were part of any criminal group,» said officials. He noted that «identification is open and in the meantime will continue considering the 43 students as disappeared.»
The Attorney General confirmed that the group of people who were burned and thrown into the river are linked to the events in Iguala and there are signs that could indicate that the victims were the missing students, «but the investigation is ongoing.»
«If I were you, I do not know what I would do,» Attorney General Murillo Karam concluded.
Detainees were murdered, burned, and thrown into the river, but continue as «missing » until final investigation: Mexican Attorney General
Desinformémonos Translation: Genevieve Roudané
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